What to do when you can't sleep

body mind Feb 20, 2021

Ever struggle to get to sleep... tossing and turning in bed, feeling more and more frustrated. 

Looking at the clock waiting for the morning but at the same time not wanting the morning to come?

Watch this video to learn a simple self-hypnosis technique to help you get the zzz you desire. 

Without a method for helping you sleep - you will start trying to think yourself to sleep, and sleep is not a conscious process! Thinking is the very thing that stops sleep!

Intentional Actions

1. Sensory cues - keep the lights off and the bedroom cool. Ventrolateral preoptic neurones (VLPO) release chemicals in our brain that acts as the switch for sleep. A change in temperature activates these nerve cells. 

2. Fix your gaze- upwards towards your eyebrows. 

3. Slow your breath - to engage the rest wing of our nervous system.

4. Release tension - in your muscles and close your eyes to prime the body for sleep.

5. Count - backwards from 20-1

6. Visualise -relaxing scenes forest, beach or a wood-burning fire. 

7. Count - upwards until you sleep - usually you will get to 300- 400. 


1 Character Challenge


Worry stems from a deficiency in trust. Trust that whatever happens, you are competent to cope with the challenges placed in front of you. 



  1. Sleep School
  2. VLPO neurones
  3. Research on hypnosis for sleep


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