Why two rights can feel wrong

mind spirit Apr 17, 2021

Do you find making important decisions challenging?

As a result, you procrastinate the decision and end up losing sight of what matters. 

Watch this video to learn a simple research-based framework on how to make better decisions. 

Intentional Actions

1.  Fix on a future focus

How many of us get lured into the trap of short term decision making? Great decision-makers don't feel trapped by the opportunity costs of their decisions.

2. Seek and listen to your truth

It is not a coincidence that many exceptional decision-makers speak about tapping into their intuition. By listening to both your intuitive and logical mind, you can use your full potential to choose what speaks to your heart.

3. Contextualise the behaviour of others

Our decisions affect others. Quality decisions do not only consider you but how the decision will impact those around you. When you can contextualise others' behaviour and come from a place of compassion over blame, you will achieve the win-win outcomes we all wish to experience.


1 Character Challenge


To ensure you feel good about your decisions remaining congruent is key.  Do not be swayed by the rules of those around you; make decisions based on your ethics, values and character. 



1. 10 ways to make better decisions

2. 4 steps to better decision-making skills - Forbes

3. How to make faster decisions - Ted Talk (4 minutes)


Share your stories of transformation by tagging me on Instagram or sending me a message. 

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Because it is a challenge to know where to start on your journey of flourishing without an evidence-based assessment. 

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