Why it's hard to feel confident

mind Apr 10, 2021

How many of us struggle with confidence?

It will often manifest in speaking frequently about goals or plans but not following through. 

Or feeling unfulfilled in day to day life. 

Watch this video to learn why so many of us struggle with confidence. 

The answer is not what you might think...

Intentional Actions

1.  Question it

Is it necessary for me to feel confident in this skill? Remember, confidence is specific, not general. Through questioning it, you will direct your focus accordingly. 

2. Practice makes progress

If this is something you need to improve your confidence in, ask yourself - how can I practice?

As Stanford Professor Carol Dwek would say, "See effort as the path to mastery."

Through repeated practice, the once feared pales into insignificance.

3. Who needs me?

Who needs you to improve? Your children, your partner or your team?

When we attach a strong desire to improve for our loved ones or a cause bigger than ourselves, confidence rarely comes into question. It becomes less about our insecurities and more about the reason. 


1 Character Challenge


By looking at your insecurities with curiosity over judgement, you switch to the mindset of a learner.  

Use the power of questions as a catalyst on your journey of growth.



1. How to master the art of self-confidence - article by James Clear. 

2. How to be confident - Tony Robbins

3. Brendon Burchard on confidence


Share your stories of transformation by tagging me on Instagram or sending me a message. 

Want to take the learning further?

Take the 3-minute free Compassionate Mastery Assessment 

Because it is a challenge to know where to start on your journey of flourishing without an evidence-based assessment. 

Take the assessment now!